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A big part of the donations we receive, is spend on the salaries of our medical team. In addition, we organize several annual events and projects to improve the quality of life for the people in our neighborhood. The summer school for kids, vaccination campaigns and drug prevention are just a few examples. For these projects we depend on targeted donations. Do you want to be a contributor to one of our projects?

You can donate to Triodos Bank - BIC TRIONL2U - IBAN NL53 TRIO 0784 8377 24 t.n.v. Stichting La Sonrisa Naranja, Rotterdam, the Netherlands. If you want to contribute to a specific activity that you’ve seen on our Facebook, please mention this.

If you live in the Netherlands and your gift is at least 1% of your taxable income, you are entitled to a tax deduction when declaring your annual taxes. A print screen of the money transfer is significant evidence in that case. For more information, please visit the website of the Dutch tax Administration.


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© 2025 La Sonrisa Naranja